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zondag 22 april 2012

De link tussen monocytosis, B12 en koper

Ik denk de oorzaak van mijn kopertekort te hebben gevonden:

In mijn (eenvoudige) excelsheet van de afgelopen jaren bleek:

- monocytosis (te veel monocyten = eerste hulp bloedcellen bij ontstekingen)
- monocytosis verdwijnt als B12 >2000 staat (de monocyten dalen met 50%)
- transferrine altijd te laag (draagt ijzer)
- koper te laag
- geen koperverlies via urine volgens laatste test

Deze link legt het verband uit tussen pernicieuze anemie, een laag transferrine en laag koper:

Ik denk dat ik een serieus probleem heb om B12 op te nemen met een ijzer- en kopertekort als gevolg.
Als de cijfers juist zijn, dan heeft B12 een ontstekingsremmend effect in mijn geval, rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks.

Binnenkort afspraak met een hematoloog, die mag mijn theorie eens bevestigen of ontkrachten.

donderdag 12 april 2012

Chronic Lyme Treatment step 1 & 2

1) Test for HPU, 80% of Lyme patients test positive.

2) Start a heavy metal detox during several months under the supervision of your doctor.

2) In case you tested positive for HPU, supplement as indicated after the detox. The recovery rates are higher when you treat HPU.

All the details are in the document linked.


If you're not sure if you have Lyme, it is still a good idea to detox and test for HPU :)
The document will explain.

vrijdag 6 april 2012

Remove heave metals with coriander

Cilantro Pesto Said to Remove Heavy Metals

1) Cilantro

Dr. David G. Williams

There's nothing I like more than learning about inexpensive, common herbs or spices that exhibit unusual healing properties. Historically, the use of herbs and spices in cooking evolved as a method to preserve foods and make them safer to store and eat. We've grown accustomed to using these items to enhance or accentuate the flavors of food, but researchers continue to discover herbs have much more to offer than just good taste. Cilantro is such an herb and one of its medicinal benefits was uncovered through the work of Dr. Yoshiaki Omura.

Dr Omura treated several patients for an eye infection called trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), which is caused by the micro-organism Chlamydia trachomatis. Following the standard treatment, Dr. Omura found that the patients' symptoms would initially clear up, only to recur within a few months. He experienced similar difficulties in treating viral-related problems like herpes simplex types I & II and cytomegalovirus infections.

After taking a closer look, Dr. Omura found these organisms seemed to hide and flourish in areas of the body where there were concentrations of heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum. Somehow the organisms were able to use the toxic metals to protect themselves from the medicine. While he was testing for these toxic metals, Dr. Omura discovered that the leaves of the coriander plant (cilantro) could accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body.

This came about accidentally when he noticed that mercury levels in urine increased after an individual consumed Vietnamese soup. The healthy soup contained coriander, or, as it is better known in this country, cilantro. And when cilantro was used concurrently with natural antiviral or antibiotic agents and/or omega-3 fatty acids, the infections could be eliminated for good.

Dr. Omura's discovery resulted in a novel technique, which greatly increased the body's ability to clear up recurring infections, both viral and bacterial. By chance, he also discovered an inexpensive, easy way to remove -- or chelate -- toxic metals from the nervous system and body tissues. Chelation therapy using chemical agents like EDTA has long been used to help remove heavy metals, but cilantro is the only natural substance I'm aware of that has demonstrated this ability.

I highly recommend you take advantage of this "poor man's chelation treatment." All it takes is adding a quantity of cilantro to your diet daily, for two or three weeks. You can add a handful of fresh cilantro to a salad, mix a couple of teaspoons of cilantro pesto with whole wheat pasta, spread the pesto on toasted Italian bread, or have it with your favorite fish (good in soups). Any of these dishes will give you the dosages Dr. Omura used in his research.


Courtesy of Sue

2) Cilantro Chelation Pesto

Heavy metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of hormonal imbalances, cancer, thyroid problems, neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression, food allergies, parasites, etc. etc. This is a great recipe that is not only easy to make but also really yummy, and it tells you how to remove heavy metals from the body!

Cilantro is truly a healing food. One friend suffering from high blood pressure due to mercury poisoning had her blood pressure return to normal after eating two teaspoons of this pesto daily for only a week. So whether you need to detoxify heavy metals from your body or just wish to use it as a preventative measure, 2 teaspoons a day is all you need to take. This pesto has now become a regular in my diet. Enjoy!

Cilantro Chelation Pesto

4 cloves garlic

1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)

1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)

1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)

2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A)

2/3 cup flaxseed oil

4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C)

2 tsp dulse powder

Sea salt to taste

Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a pinch to sea salt to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.

Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.


Courtesy of Nance / PLANETNEWS

3) Eat While Detoxing Your Body!

© By Lena Sanchez


Remember, heavy metals like mercury hide in candida. Handle the heavy metals first, then the candida if you don't want to get sick from the heavy metals released in the blood stream.

donderdag 5 april 2012

Alles over bijnieruitputting

Alles wat je moet weten over bijnieruitputting, hoe het ontstaat, wat de gevolgen zijn, welke impact het heeft op je lichaam, wat je er aan kan doen, ...

- zwangerschap
- verslavingen (sport, drank, ...)
- schildklieraandoeningen
- auto-immuunziekten
- kanker
- chronische vermoeidheid
- infecties
- migraine
- ...

Een leerrijk document!

maandag 2 april 2012

Breakthrough in Lyme culture

Lyme Culture Made Easy, Antibiotic Effectiveness, and Mechanisms of Persistence

Dr. Eva Sapi and colleagues have published an important study today, "Evaluation of in-vitro antibiotic susceptibility of different morphological forms of Borrelia burgdorferi". I have included the link to the article, which is available free of charge at Dove Press, at the end of this post and encourage you to read it. The study is broad ranging, but makes a significant contribution to Lyme research in a number of areas: culturing techniques, cyst and spirochete antibiotic susceptibility, and the role of biofilms in persistence.

The most important result of the research was the development of a new culture technique that dramatically increases the growth of Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the corkscrew-shaped bacteria (spirochete) that causes Lyme disease, making it easier to detect persistence of the bacteria. The new culture technique is also better able to grow the cyst form of the bacteria that is thought to be metabolically dormant. One mechanism of persistence of Bb is believed to be its ability to convert from the spirochete form to the cyst form in vitro when presented with an unfavorable environment. This conversion would allow the bacteria to evade the immune system and resist destruction by antibiotics that rely on cell division for effectiveness. When the environmental conditions become more favorable, the organism can then revert back to the spirochete form.

The ability to easily culture the cyst form as well as the spirochete form of the bacteria permitted the researchers to determine the effect of various antibiotics on each form of the bacteria. Some antibiotics decreased the number of spirochetes but increased the number of cysts, while other antibiotics reduced both spirochetes and cysts, but at different rates.

Finally, the researchers were able to develop biofilm colonies of the Lyme bacteria. These colonies are made up of bacterial clusters coated in slime, and they have been shown to promote persistent infection in other diseases. The effectiveness of antibiotics for Bb in biofilm colonies was greatly reduced, with viable organisms detected in 70-85% of the biofilm colonies.

In summary, the study achieved an important new advance in culture techniques for Bb, demonstrated varying sensitivity of the cyst and spirochete form of Bb to different antibiotics, and confirmed mechanisms of persistence of Bb by converting from spirochete to cyst form and by forming biofilm colonies that protect the organism from antibiotics.

The research was supported by grants from the California Lyme Disease Association, Turn the Corner Foundation and the University of New Haven. The full text of the article is available without charge at Infections and Drug Resistance.

You can follow additional comments on Lyme policy at You can contact Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA at
